Electric Heaters Bring Cost Relief To Outdoor Heating

Gas prices. Two words that can strike fear in even the healthiest of wallets, and in ways we might have previously never imagined. Residential outdoor heating is one such example. While different types of gas outdoor patio heaters including the Infrared Heater and Propane Heaters for outdoor areas can bring ample heat to your backyard entertaining, there is a more cost effective way.

The Electric Heater is revolutionizing outdoor patio heating by bringing the convenience of a Portable Heater together with reduced energy costs. Infrared Heater The convenience of electric heaters is a byproduct of their smaller size, which make them perfect for indoor or outdoor use. The ability to be used indoors makes them a viable alternative or supplement to a smaller Garage Heater as well.

Available with movable mounting brackets, they can be permanently installed, eliminating the need for storage and maintenance. And because they run on regular household currents, getting your new unit up and running is literally as easy as plugging in. For the technically uninclined among us, such ease of use is a welcome feature. Electric heaters also produce a clean and odorless heat, sparing users from the types of fumes sometimes associated with gas or propane heaters.

 The beauty of the electric heater is that it is a born conservationist with a built-in tendency to save resources. It creates a heat that is naturally drawn to the objects surrounding it, minimizing the amount of heat that wanders off into the surrounding air and goes unused. The result is a heater that wastes precious little time going from zero to one hundred percent capacity in mere seconds. Best of all, operating costs across the board have proven to be a fraction of those produced by propane patio heaters.

 Electric units operate at a 90% energy conversion rate, and studies show they produce just 1/10 the energy costs of LPG, or natural gas, Heaters. Those numbers translate to real savings, and a warm feeling in your bank account as well as on your patio. While the type of heater one purchases is a matter of personal taste and need, cost conscious consumers now have the choice to keep the heat up and costs down. Simply put, when searching for patio heaters it pays to go electric.
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Enjoy Warmer Nights Outdoors With an Electric Patio Heater

An electric patio heater is a great outdoor companion when the nights get cooler. Life is pretty hectic nowadays. Days zoom by without us noticing them fly away. With all the hectic schedules in school or work, it is always nice to have a quiet place at home where you can retreat to.

 The outdoor space, no matter how big or small, can be converted to a personal haven where you can stop and reflect about what you've gone through and plan ahead for the future. It gives you a little personal and quiet time each day so you don't feel overwhelmed and burnt out by whatever you do. It is great not only for your physical health but also for your emotional and general well-being as well.

 Oftentimes, outdoor spaces can only be utilized at night. However, seasons and weather don't cooperate sometimes. For the only times you can use your outdoor spaces, the cold temperature can put you scampering in. With an electric patio heater, you can stay out in the patio or porch and enjoy your quiet time for yourself despite the chilly nights or the winter season in. No amount of cold temperature can hinder you now from enjoying your daily night cap.

You can listen to soft music from your iPod outdoors. You can watch the moon beaming and the stars sparkling even at the start of fall. During weekends, you can even invite friends over and hang out in your backyard. If you have kids, you can go star gazing without fear of enduring icy hands and feet. An electric patio heaters are simple to use.

You can install one on the wall right under the overhang and it will give warmth to your patio area. For your front porch, you can install a ceiling-mounted unit and you can linger and have conversation with your spouse or friend all night long. From now on, you can enjoy warmer nights outdoors with the use of these smart devices.
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Are Outdoor Electric Patio Heaters Really Affordable?

Deciding on a patio heater should always start with the choice of energy source. You'll make life so much more easy for yourself once this done. So what make the case for electric patio heaters so strong, and what are they exactly? Basically, electric patio heaters are fueled by electricity as a power source. They are available on a variety of models, ranging from heaters fixed to your wall, lone-standing as well some mounted to your patio umbrella.

 A Big concern for many homeowners is utilizing their outdoor space optimally. If you only have small area to work with, an electric patio heater may be the number one choice for you. If your patio area have a low head space, and outdoor electric patio heater will be a good option, as big propane heaters may be unworkable with these area. Heaters fixed to the wall is great for countering this problem and will still leave you with a lot of space to work with.

 Electric patio heaters also have a very focused heat emission. As opposed to propane heaters they do fulfil their function in keeping your guests warm and aren't merely heating up the outdoor area, leaving everyone and everything feeling an unnatural, crisp warmth. This is arguably one of the most frequent complaints that homeowners have with propane heaters.

 The maintenance and operational costs of your electric patio heater will differ massively from one region to another. It's worthwhile doing some initial studies and cost forecasts on this to see which option will yield the lowest monthly financial commitment over time. On the issue of costs, if you are trying to trim down as much as possible on the initial spend, an electric heater will be the best choice.

They tend to be dramatically lower priced than other heaters. If you are trying to avoid the smelly, gassy odors of propane heaters, an electric patio heater is also a very good choice.

Not only will you eliminate the odor and noise problem, but you will also be able to use your heater indoors - provided that you purchased a loose standing heater which you can move around. So many homeowners consider safety as a top priority when choosing a suitable patio heater. Although electric patio heaters do have an element of danger in the form of chords and switches, they are substantially safer that its propane and gas counterparts.

Bear this in mind especially if you have kids. Even though outdoor electric patio heaters don't do much decoratively, they are functionally a great asset to have in your patio area and will keep your friends and family nice and cosy at a staggeringly low capital outlay.
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Electric Radiant Infrared Heaters

Electric infrared radiant heaters are manufactured by companies such as TPI/Fostoria, Radiant Electric Heat, Tri Lite, Calorique, and others. These and other companies use distributors to get the heaters out to the end users. End users can be individuals, or businesses who intend to add heat to a specific area indoors or outdoors.

The application of electric infrared radiant heaters include industrial whole area heating, commercial applications, indoor/outdoor uses, snow and ice melt solutions, residential use, portable space heaters, foot warmers, and the ability to provide heat to almost any place a person or organization would want it. The types of heaters are quartz tube, flat ceramic panel, fan-forced & radiant combo, and we can even supply natural gas steel tube radiant.

Electric infrared radiant heaters are different in that they do not operate by blowing heated air into a room. Forced heated air systems only blow warm air into the room. The room must be filled with enough warm air to make a person feel warm. But at that point the only thing that is warm is the air, and hot air rises. There is usually a difference in temperature between the air at the ceiling and the air at the floor.

The space at floor level and a few inches above floor level is never comfortably warm and is usually drafty. To fill a room with heated air takes time, and heats the air before heating the person. The room cools rapidly due to cold air infiltration, and takes longer to recover. But the biggest disadvantage is that the forced air system must run longer and work hard to reheat the room which costs the consumer more money on energy.

Infrared radiant electric heaters heat people and objects first, then the air in the room. Described simply, electric radiant infrared heaters work in much the same way as the sun heats the earth. The sun is 93 million miles away from the earth. The air between the sun and the earth is the cold vacuum of space.

Yet through these 93 million miles of cold space the earth is warmed by the sun. Imagine how on a cold winter day when the sun is shining bright, a person feels the suns warmth on their face even though it is cold outside.

Radiant infrared heat is an absorbing, comfortable, soothing heat. It is a clean energy heat source. Once installed in the space to be heated the radiant heater warms the things in the room including people.

Humans feel this type of warmth first. Skin is the most absorbent material of radiant heat, which is why it is so comfortable for people and even animals. The space is heated only after the people and objects in the room are heated and then give off that heat into the ambient air of the room.

Radiant heating heats people and objects first by utilizing the technology of long wave electromagnetic energy. After the people and objects are warmed they release the warmth into the air which then heats the ambient air. Even if a door is opened that lets a rush of cold air into the room, radiant heating has a faster recovery time due to all the objects in the room being warmed and releasing that warmth back into the room.

Even though the unit may run before the thermostat turns it off, it operates at an inexpensive rate. And that cost is only incurred when the unit is running whereas a gas system is always burning a pilot light and trying to overcome drafty cold air infiltration.

Consider the things you may have in the room... your floor, chairs, other objects. Imagine sitting on a warmed chair, or a floor with no chill on it. Radiant infrared heating can do this. But the better news is the cost effectiveness of electric radiant infrared heating.

A 1000 watt unit running for an hour only costs about 10-12 cents in energy usage. A 1500 watt unit operating for an hour would cost about 15-18 cents in energy usage. A 3000 watt unit turned on for an hour would cost 30-36 cents an hour in energy cost.

This makes the use of electric heating much more attractive than using fossil fuel systems, even if only augmenting your current heating system with electric heat.

So how does this apply to your garage, patio, green house, work space, or room? Once installed an electric radiant heater would turn on by use of its thermostat set to your desired room temperature. The unit would turn on when the thermostat detected the room air is below the set temperature. Here's the best part, once activated the unit and its heat are immediate.

Within a few minutes its output is at its maximum. And while it is on the unit has no fan, no moving parts, no noise, and no dust being blown about, and requires no maintenance. The electric radiant heating unit gently and quietly emits its radiant warmth as the unit's element heats up.

If you are in the room or area being heated you'll immediately notice that you feel the warmth. As the unit continues to run you may notice that things in the room, clothes, a chair, desk, floor, etc, are also warmer...not hot to the touch, but warmer. And then the room air is heated as the objects in the room warm up and releases the warmth back into the room.

The quartz tube elements average 5000 hours of use and have a 1 year warranty. Flat ceramic panel elements are very durable and have been known to last 5-15 years or more without needing replacement. Flat ceramic panel elements have a 5 year prorated warranty (20% per year). The units are UL tested and underwritten. They come in 120, 240, 208, 207, and in some cases 480 voltages.

Now, you have that cold room, that drafty work place, a green house that could use more heat, a patio that you'd like to use all year, or earlier in the summer and later in the winter. You can think of work or hobbies you could do in the garage with more heat, or your workplace could use portable heaters or foot warmers. The economical and eco-friendly solution in electric radiant infrared heating systems.
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About This Blog

Electric outdoor heaters can you warm up your patio area or screened off campsite area; providing you with the right temperature for you and your family to have a good time. Other than providing warmth for your outdoor area, there are also several benefits that can come from using one of these electric heaters. In this blog you will find information about electric outdoor furniture


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